buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Write Better with Scroll - The Beautiful Markup Language style.css header class hero nav div Scroll class logo div class nav-links a Features href #features a Demo href #demo a Try href editor.html a GitHub class cta-button href div class hero-content h1 Write Beautiful Documents p Transform your ideas into elegant content with Scroll's intuitive syntax div class cta-group a Start Writing class primary-button href editor.html a Learn More class secondary-button href #features main section id features class features-grid h2 Why Choose Scroll? div class feature-card span 📝 h3 Intuitive Syntax p Write naturally with space-based indentation. No complex markup needed. div class feature-card span 🎨 h3 Beautiful Output p Create stunning documents that look professional with minimal effort. div class feature-card span 🚀 h3 Lightning Fast p Built for performance with modern web standards in mind. div class feature-card span 🔧 h3 Extensible p Build custom parsers and extend functionality to suit your needs. section id demo class demo-section h2 See Scroll in Action div class demo-container div class demo-input pre code header\n title My Document\n content\n p Hello World div class demo-output div class preview h1 My Document p Hello World footer div class footer-content a Documentation href a Community href a Blog href p Built with passion by the Scroll community script.js